Upcoming EventsSundays Worship Service 9:00 am Communion is usually on the first Sunday of every month. Check the calendar below for confirmation. Sunday School is every Sunday following the service from September through May following the service from 10:15 - 11:15 am in the Narthex. Next Confirmation Class will begin in September of 2025. Everyone is welcome at our services!! If you are new to the neighborhood, come on in!! Even if you belong to another faith, you are welcome to come to our services, make new friends, find out where things are, and pray with us until you find your church. As they say in the movie "Steel Magnolias" - God don't care which church you go to, as long as you show up! September Sept. 8 Rally Day!! 11:00 am Bring your potluck dish At Zion UCC! Sept. 9 Ladies’ Fellowship 1:00 pm In the Narthex Sept. 10 Church Council Meeting 6:00 pm Sept. 12 Hand Bell Rehearsal 6:00 - 7:00 pm Choir Practice 7:15 - 8:15 pm Sept. 15 Worship Service 9:00 am Sunday School 10:15 - 11:15 am Sept 19 Hand Bell Rehearsal 6:00 - 7:00 pm Choir Practice 7:15 - 8:15 pm Sept. 22 Worship Service 9:00 am Sept. 26 Hand Bell Rehearsal 6:00 - 7:00 pm Choir Practice 7:15 - 8:15 pm Sept. 29 Worship Service 9:00 am October Oct. 6 Worship Service 9:00 am Sunday School 10:15 - 11:15 am Autumn Paws 3:00 - 6:00 pm St. Paul's UCC 1650 Bainbridge Center Rd Watervliet, MI Celebration of the Harvest and Harvesters 3:00 pm Tabor Hill Vineyards 333 Mt. Tabor Road Buchanan, MI Lists of items needed are in the Narthex!! Mark your calendar for our new meeting day and time!! We will be meeting on MONDAY, Sept. 9, at 1:00 pm. This is a trial meeting time as we are trying to find a time that accommodates as many ladies as possible. If this time and day doesn’t work for you, please see Marcia Koehler or myself and let us know. This is our last meeting until September!! A Big thank you to Marcia Koehler, Bonnie Reitz and Norma Rosenthal for chairing the rummage sale. A Big thank you to Mary Ann Schultz and Karen Harner for chairing the bake sale and sloppy Joe lunch. We were very thankful for all the men who helped get things moved out of the way and setup tables and racks, and at the end of the rummage undo it all, a huge thank you! Ladies a huge thank you for all your help setting up and cleanup, unloading vehicles, sorting, folding/hanging clothes many times throughout the rummage. Thank to all who donated items, I believe we had the most items ever. Thank you to all who came and shopped, it truly was a wonderful site to see so many people who really spent time finding all they needed. Thank you to all of our bakers, we saw a lot of happy people getting their goodies. Thank you Maryann Schultz for making the sloppy joes, cookies, and getting everything together for the meal, you did an awesome job. We sold out the first day!! Thank you to all who donated food items to make this happen, it was a big hit. Thank you to Marcia Koehler for making sloppy Joe's and Jane Rizzo for making cookies for Friday and to those who got other items together. Also, a big thank you to Karen Harner, our new treasurer!! We will see you in the fall, September 9th at 1pm in the narthex. (Note this is the SECOND Sunday due to Labor day) We have many programs and activities throughout the year!! The Church picnic in June, the Rally Day in September, displays in the chapel, Rummage Sales, Bake Sales, and many other opportunities to help. If you would like to help with any of our activities, please contact us and let us know your interest and hours of availability. Contact Diane Dasse at sds[email protected] or Marcia Koehler at [email protected] for more information! You don't have to join in order to help. ALL help is appreciated!! God's Blessing's Marcia Koehler & Diane Dasse |
Church Directories Now Available!!The 2024 Fall Members and Friends Church Directory is on the table in the Narthex!! Get your up-to-date directory so you can get a hold of anyone you need!! If no copies are available, let the office know!!
75th Anniversary