Thank you for donating to Zion's ministries
If you click on the donate button it will take you to a secure page,
where you can indicate the way in which you would like to donate as well as the frequency.
You can make contributions either through your checking account or a credit card.
The system allows for a one-time gift or recurring gifts based on your preference,
and can be changed at any time.
Your gifts can be allocated to any of our traditional offerings
as well as memorial contributions for loved ones.
To donate to the Crop Walk, select "other" in the first donation box and write
Crop Walk in the donation section and then your amount!!
If you have any problems with the page, please contact the church office at
269-422-1590 or by e-mail - [email protected]
Again thank you!
where you can indicate the way in which you would like to donate as well as the frequency.
You can make contributions either through your checking account or a credit card.
The system allows for a one-time gift or recurring gifts based on your preference,
and can be changed at any time.
Your gifts can be allocated to any of our traditional offerings
as well as memorial contributions for loved ones.
To donate to the Crop Walk, select "other" in the first donation box and write
Crop Walk in the donation section and then your amount!!
If you have any problems with the page, please contact the church office at
269-422-1590 or by e-mail - [email protected]
Again thank you!